Game Animation Workshops
Next Workshops start April 7, 2025
These workshops will present a focused study of 3D animation for the game industry and it's specific needs. They will consist of multiple live talks, demos, reviews and assignments that would resemble an actual production pipeline.
11 week access to:
- Live & Recorded Classes
- Extra Lectures by Jason Ryan, Director at CineSite.
- Additional recorded lectures on Modeling, Lighting, and more.
- Game Rigs

G0 - Animation and Game Principles
This workshop is an entry level class, introducing character animation for video games in Maya. Only basic knowledge of animation in Maya is required for this workshop, fundamentals in-game insights will be integrated along the way to get you ready for our main program.
G1 - Advance Body Mechanics and Workflows
This workshop focus on advance body mechanics, actions and reactions performances, that are needed to give the player exciting feedback responsiveness, foundations of core gameplay and the everyday practices on designing a characters animation system.

G2 - Combat, Takedowns, and Advanced Techniques
The workshops is centered around pushing the communication and connection of the animation, mastering the characters timing and rhythm, learning how to embellish and polish an animation, bring personality and creating dynamic actions such as combat and takedowns. Followed by working on your animation and ensuring that the player reaction feels seamless, believable and responsive, animators will be pushing their limits and learning some of the industry best tips, tricks and advance techniques.
G3 - Battle Sequences, Cinematic, Interactive Gameplay
The Elite Games Workshop includes a series of live talks, demos, reviews, and assignments that are designed to resemble an actual games production pipeline. In the workshop, instructors focus on techniques for games animation, which include timing, creating strong body mechanics, posing characters, player reactions, responsiveness of action, and more. Students also learn how to create interactive battles, cinematics, staging, and integration with popular game engines such as Unity.