Animation Podcast
Back in 2012 we decided to invade the air waves with these podcasts and since that time, we've talked with many industry pros! We talk about animation, the industry, workflows, and wisdom through out their careers. These podcasts can also be found on iTunes, Spotify, and Youtube. We also want your feedback on the iAnimate Podcast! Have industry questions you'd like answered? Fancy an interview with an animator you LOVE?
Latest Podcast Interview!
Interview with DreamWorks Sr Animator Tal Shwarzman
In this last podcast for 2012, we speak with DreamWorks Sr. Animator Tal Shwarzman. We talk about his work on Rise of the Guardians, Kung Fu Panda, his view on the state of the industry, and a lot more.
Mentioned in the podcast: Animation Addicts | Samantha Youssef