Feature Animation student, Moy Parra, had some fun with our character Crea in this action sequence. He says: A few months back I started sketching the basic beats of the sequence and at the time I came up with 6 key drawings. As I started working on this I realized that I would need a lot more than 6 shots to tell the story that I wanted to tell and so rather than setting my goal to finish the piece in 30 days I decided to rather give myself 90. It actually ended up taking around 10 weeks, anywhere between 3 to 5 hours daily.
I was able to work on the sequence at nights after the family went to sleep and whenever I could during the weekends, and any time that I had a quiet moment, I would conduct a sort of "dailies" in my head so that I could simply execute whenever I got to the computer.
My wife Jessica has been incredibly instrumental in this production as well. Considering that 2 weeks into the project our second son Alex was born, you can only imagine how much she had to support me in order for this to be completed. She would sit with me at nights and review the sequence providing useful feedback and potential new ideas. Very grateful for Jessy and I unquestionably dedicate this to her
I hope you guys like it.
It was a pretty big undertaking considering I did everything by myself besides the rigs and the music, but there you have it. I will miss working on it, but I'm also relieved that its finished :)
Thanks for watching!!